The purpose of this policy is to define PAL Ottawa’s policies regarding accountability to donors and fundraising integrity, in a manner consistent with encouraging the highest ethical standards as a registered charity, while promoting PAL Ottawa as the charity of choice in the communities which we serve.
This policy applies to all Consultants or Contractors or Coordinators, Board members, volunteers of PAL Ottawa who actively engage in fundraising or the promotion of fundraising for the Organization within the community at large.
- All donors are entitled to receive an official receipt for income tax purposes for the amount of their donation. PAL Ottawa has established the minimum donation amount of $20 for the automatic issuance of receipts. However, smaller donations will be receipted upon request by the donor.
- Donors of eligible gifts‐in‐kind are entitled to receive an official receipt that reflects the fair market value of the gift, according to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
- Eligibility for official receipts for non‐monetary (in-kind) gifts is to be determined prior to the acceptance of the gift.
- All fundraising solicitations by or on behalf of PAL Ottawa will disclose PAL Ottawa’s name and the purpose for which the funds are requested.
- Printed solicitations, regardless of how transmitted, will include the address and contact information.
- Donors and prospective donors are entitled to know, upon request, whether an individual soliciting funds on behalf of PAL Ottawa is a volunteer, Board member, or a Consultant or Contractor or Coordinator.
- Donors and prospective donors will be encouraged to seek independent professional advice if PAL Ottawa has any reason to believe that a proposed donation might significantly and adversely affect the donor’s financial position or taxable income.
Donors and prospective donors are entitled to promptly receive, upon request: - PAL Ottawa’s most recent audited financial statements.
- PAL Ottawa’s charitable registration number as assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
- Any information contained in the public portion of the Organization’s most recent T3010 form as submitted to the Canada Revenue Agency.
- A list of names of the PAL Ottawa Board Members.
- A copy of this Fundraising & Donor Accountability policy.
Donor requests to remain anonymous will be respected.
Donor privacy is of the upmost importance to PAL Ottawa. Donor records maintained by PAL Ottawa, both paper and electronic, will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible. All those working for PAL Ottawa and volunteers must sign confidentiality agreements. Donors have the right to see their own donor record, and to challenge its accuracy.
Every effort will be made to honour donor requests. These include, but are not limited to,:
a) Limit the frequency of solicitations;
b) Not to be solicited by certain means, including by phone or by other technology;
c) Not to receive printed material related to fundraising activities at PAL Ottawa.
PAL Ottawa values its donors and will endeavour to protect donors from multiple approaches for gifts from Consultants or Contractors or Coordinators and volunteers acting on behalf of PAL Ottawa in promoting or soliciting gifts. Appropriate internal discussion and consultation, facilitated by the Board of Directors, will occur prior to approaching or making commitments to donors.